I am a hobbyist photographer and my main subject and greatest inspiration is my son. I always knew that when I had a baby I would buy a DSLR so that I could be able to take great pictures of my baby. What I didn't know is that there is so much more to photography than just a nice camera. I had no idea of how beautifully complicated photography is. The more you learn, the more you need to learn. I have been sucked into this world of aperture and shutter speed and ISO and I don't want to leave. I fell hard for it. Really hard. It has become my passion, my hobby. Where all my free time goes. As a bonus I get to capture the most beautiful moments of my family and I get to explore the world with a perspective that I never had before.
So it is fair to say that my son made me experience two completely different feelings that I had never felt before. The indescribable love for a child, that I would never even try to put into words, and the amazing feeling of finding a true passion. And today I have no idea how I lived my life without either!
Your passion shows in your art, and each photo is a gift of memory for all who want it. Thank you. Love, Robin